The yearly average temperature of Australia was increasing slightly in the first half of the twenties century but after this there is no trend anymore

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18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 1900.0 1920.0 1940.0 1960.0 1980.0 2000.0 2020.0 The line is a LSQ fit to the values from 1954 to 2013.

The stations with long time service used

Table of plotted data

YearNumber of stationsYearly mean
1910 9 19.15
1911 11 19.84
1912 8 19.96
1913 12 19.17
1914 10 21.33
1915 13 21.31
1916 10 20.23
1917 10 19.34
1918 14 19.98
1919 13 20.33
1920 13 19.14
1921 15 20.26
1922 14 20.20
1923 16 20.36
1924 11 19.60
1925 13 19.53
1926 15 20.72
1927 10 19.76
1928 13 21.13
1929 11 18.72
1930 13 20.33
1931 13 20.79
1932 11 19.61
1933 10 19.61
1934 11 19.65
1935 13 19.51
1936 11 19.16
1937 12 19.55
1938 10 19.51
1939 10 18.71
1940 15 20.10
1941 15 20.50
1942 18 22.24
1943 15 20.72
1944 19 21.54
1945 20 20.84
1946 18 20.73
1947 20 20.86
1948 19 21.84
1949 21 20.44
1950 19 21.30
1951 19 20.64
1952 17 20.61
1953 22 21.09
1954 21 21.29
1955 20 20.83
1956 19 20.43
1957 18 21.78
1958 21 22.36
1959 19 21.20
1960 12 20.88
1961 15 21.96
1962 19 21.61
1963 22 21.43
1964 20 21.60
1965 22 21.54
1966 20 21.78
1967 22 21.38
1968 19 21.19
1969 20 21.03
1970 14 22.57
1971 21 20.45
1972 19 21.41
1973 14 21.14
1974 18 21.26
1975 19 21.44
1976 17 19.38
1977 19 20.39
1978 19 20.27
1979 19 20.87
1980 19 21.48
1981 21 21.56
1982 15 21.03
1983 15 20.94
1984 17 19.83
1985 15 19.97
1986 15 20.71
1987 20 21.08
1988 18 21.80
1989 17 20.51
1990 19 21.49
1991 19 20.91
1992 22 20.78
1993 19 20.87
1994 18 20.88
1995 20 20.91
1996 19 21.03
1997 18 20.29
1998 19 20.93
1999 19 20.93
2000 22 20.66
2001 21 20.25
2002 22 21.23
2003 18 20.95
2004 22 20.80
2005 21 21.56
2006 20 20.37
2007 21 20.89
2008 20 21.74
2009 20 21.17
2010 20 21.18
2011 16 19.62
2012 14 21.63
2013 13 22.97


For each year those stations are used for which nowhere more then 4 consecutive days are missing in the data reporting

Computations by Mats Rosengren (Twitter:@stamcose)